What's SCADS?
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What's SCADS?
SCADS is the acronym of
scaling. Stepwise cluster analysis has improved monovariate A.I.D(Automatic Interaction Detection) algorithm, and can effectively deal with continuous and discrete variables, as well as nonlinear relations between the variables. In SCA, sample sets of dependent variables will be cut or merged into new sets (i.e., children clusters) based on given criteria, and the values of independent variables will be used as references to determine which new set a sample in the original set (i.e., parent cluster) will enter. The clustering results are given by cluster trees, so that a set of forecasting systems, which is flexible to reflect changes in source value distributions, can be formed.
(1) Wang, Xiuquan, et al.
A stepwise cluster analysis approach for downscaled climate projection – A Canadian case study. Environmental Modelling & Software 49 (2013): 141-151.
doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.08.006 |
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(2) Wang, Xiuquan, et al.
An open-source software package for multivariate modeling and clustering: applications to air quality management. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2015): 1-14.
doi:10.1007/s11356-015-4664-7 |
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